I'm left kinda wondering why THIS thread was started
The solution is simple really folks:
Excercise as much caution as YOU need to protect your identity.
If you don't trust or like HW's question or tone, don't reply!
hw said to respond to his post only if you are an elder or ms. since i'm neither, i felt the need for a separate post to this unusual question by a relatively new member of jwd.
is his question out of bounds for a new poster?
it seems like a digging for facts so he can turn someone in type of question.
I'm left kinda wondering why THIS thread was started
The solution is simple really folks:
Excercise as much caution as YOU need to protect your identity.
If you don't trust or like HW's question or tone, don't reply!
clearly people in the 1st century who were jews and christians obviously felt they were living in the last days.. they lived in the roman empire.
jewish apocalypticism influenced such thinking.
it was a time of foment, upheaval and insecurity.
Don't forget that with the Lord, a day is as a thousand years and vice versa - ie he's outside time and not governed by it!
In that context, Jesus is coming back 'quickly' - sadly, it's the context that the apocalyptic believers seem to ignore.
Human existence on the earth is a mere speck on the 'timeline' of eternity and from that perspective, Jesus' words make sense (I'm not going down the right or wrong/truth or myth line, I'm just giving a Christian viewpoint!)
When we try to define God and Jesus within our human limitations - science, time, space etc - we just tie ourselves in knots (or as your post says, we go round in circles trying to make sense of it all). The truth is you simply can't put something far bigger than the box into it!
i wonder what they would do if one of jws was involved in money launering
They'd probably celebrate the fact that one of the brothers was going to spend a long time in prison where they could potentially win many new converts to da troof and pick up lots of handy hints on how not to get caught next time when they do get freed!
coming out of the witnesses like many here with no university education, it's been a little difficult at times to know how to make a decent living.. since being disfellowshipped, for asking way too many difficult questions of the elders, i've found myself becoming more and more immersed in making money online.. perhaps you do the same?.
or on the other hand, perhaps you too are struggling to understand how you too, could make a decent living online?.
it seems to me, that this could be an awesome opportunity for some here involved in the business of making money online, to help fellow exwitnesses and others too, become more acquainted with some of the methods used to generating an ideal situation to earning for themselves more income.. of course, this can be a very confusing area for some people to understand and/or get to grips with.. so this got me to thinking this afternoon, how many of us here could help our fellow posters out.. my first question then is - if you are already making money online, how do you do it?
I'm looking into doing paid online surveys - not a great money maker I know but every little helps! If anyone can recommend any reputable sites which offer this, or give me some advice on what to look out for, I'd be most grateful
(due to the very poor exchange rate I'm not currently looking for ones which pay in US$ - unless they pay good money lol!)
does anyone have a spare 15mins?.
as i have posted i am now the proud owner of a retired greyhound frankie.
http://www.rgtmonmore.co.uk/rehomingdetail.php?dogid=490&page=2 .
Have you tried contacting Monmore race track? They might take official photos of winners for the race sponsors/owners etc and archive them themselves - or they might be able to put you in touch with the photographer. I think they only allow official photography at meets so that dogs aren't disturbed whilst racing.
Also, is there some way of verifying his name hasn't been changed slightly from his official name? Check with the Kennel Club and/or whoever did his ear tag - I noticed that there are a lot of 'Frankies ...' so just wondered if his race name has been altered.
i'll post more as i get it but according to the 'mail on sunday' this serial killing monster has "become one of jehovah's witnesses".. sick.. .
see http://www.execulink.com/~kbrannen/
If he's declared sane they should re-charge him with 13 counts of murder and then he'll never be freed! I can't see the European courts deciding in his favour...
... but stranger things have happened
If he was freed, I'm not sure he'd be safe either - certainly not here in West Yorkshire.
she has lost over 7 stone due to her cancer and is finding it almost impossible to eat now.....see the difference in a couple of years .. ......she has been giving all her belongings away too recently
My condolences to you and your family Ninja
i was looking in a thrift store and found this gem from 1978. .
hide it from your children!.
Thanks mrsJ
The problem in the UK is that you'll only find Christian books of that calibre in Christian bookshops - and they are few ad far between. Probably why reniaa has only ever found what I'd call 'token' books. I know that there isn't likely to be a store near reniaa because most of them have closed in that area - if she even dared to go in one anyway. Eden is the biggest online independent Christian store over here - they're very reliable on delivery etc and have an excellent reputation.
i was looking in a thrift store and found this gem from 1978. .
hide it from your children!.
Here you go reniaa:
Take your pick - I especially recommend anything published by Lion or Candle books (The Beginners Bible is published by Candle here in the UK and is a top seller)
If you need more help on selection please do send me a PM.
edit to add - DON'T go for Usborne books - they aren't a Christian publisher and their stories aren't quite up to scriptural standard! (being careful how I word that lol!)
yesturday "my" little daschund - sara - was knocked and killed.
she was a miniture dashund that came into my life a year and a half ago.
the cutest lil thing you have ever seen.
I'm sorry you lost sara in such a bad way. I guess its little comfort but being philosophical, 'at least' she died doing something she loved! I also lost my border collie on the road - hit by an ambulance - somehow that makes it so ironic but it keeps me smiling about it!
I'm glad she changed your mind about canines and that you're considering getting another - maybe hold off for a time though as you'll need to 'let Sara go' first - if you get another really quick, you might find yourself comparing it to her.
Peace to you